Cor­po­rate Volunteering-Guidebook

Step by step towards social engage­ment – The prac­ti­cal guide for social­ly com­mit­ted companies

Cor­po­rate Vol­un­teer­ing: Ben­e­fits for employ­ees, com­pa­nies and the soci­ety alike

Cor­po­rate respon­si­bil­i­ty can take many forms. For exam­ple, com­pa­nies may donate to char­i­ta­ble caus­es, devel­op social­ly respon­si­ble sup­ply chains or even cre­ate sus­tain­able busi­ness models.

When engag­ing in cor­po­rate vol­un­teer­ing, employ­ees par­tic­i­pate in activ­i­ties that relate to social issues lying out­side a company’s core area of busi­ness. As a result, all actors involved ben­e­fit: Soci­ety ben­e­fits, because it gains many more help­ing hands; employ­ees ben­e­fit, because they are
doing mean­ing­ful work, gain­ing new skills and expand­ing their per­spec­tive; and the com­pa­ny ben­e­fits, because it can improve its
rep­u­ta­tion as it increas­es employ­ee sat­is­fac­tion and devel­ops their potential.

This guide­book offers a wide range of insights into the world of cor­po­rate vol­un­teer­ing. It iden­ti­fies pro­gram for-mats, offers sug­ges­tions and pro­vides prac­ti­cal tips for com­pa­nies that want to shape and sup­port their employ­ees’ social engage­ment effec­tive­ly. We believe that employ­ees are a company’s most valu­able asset, and must be sup­port­ed – in the form of excit­ing and mean­ing­ful activ­i­ties that have a pos­i­tive impact both on soci­ety and the par­tic­i­pat­ing volunteers.

Cor­po­rate Vol­un­teer­ing Guide­book: Prac­ti­cal exam­ples, valu­able tips & help­ful checklists

Cor­po­rate vol­un­teer­ing is one ele­ment of cor­po­rate cit­i­zen­ship (CC), or a company’s engage­ment in society.

The Cor­po­rate Vol­un­teer­ing Guide­book helps to…

    • design a cor­po­rate vol­un­teer­ing plan,
    • set strate­gic objec­tives,
    • devel­op a cor­po­rate vol­un­teer­ing strategy,
    • find the right partner,
    • cre­ate cor­po­rate vol­un­teer­ing part­ner­ship with impact in mind,
    • eval­u­ate your project’s social impact,
    • com­mu­ni­cate the cor­po­rate vol­un­teer­ing project’s social impact.

    This guide­book is intend­ed for small, medi­um-sized and large com­pa­nies that want to make an effec­tive social con­tri­bu­tion, no mat­ter what their sec­tor, ori­gin or legal form.

    Most espe­cial­ly, we would like to reach peo­ple respon­si­ble for mak­ing cor­po­rate vol­un­teer­ing bud­get deci­sions, along with peo­ple who man­age CV pro­grams and ensure they work – thus, deci­sion-mak­ers, com­pa­ny exec­u­tives and project managers.

    Get more information:

    Lena Euchenhofer

    PHINEO Public
    +49 30 520 065 344