Climate protection: What we want to and are able to contribute
Never-ending hot summers, torrential rainfall and unleashed storms: climate change has long been evident in Germany too. The climatic changes are followed by water shortages, crop failures and rising commodity prices. The gap between rich and poor is widening in the industrialized countries.
And in emerging and developing countries, famines, bitter distribution struggles and massive refugee movements are the consequence. Humanitarian disasters around the globe and climate-induced migration on a previously unimaginable scale will also become a heavy burden for democratic systems in the Western world in the coming years.
The climate crisis is thus threatening to become the main cause of the greatest social problems of the future, which will also destroy the long-term, sustainable impact of all social and nonprofit activities to date.
What can civil society contribute?
Agreements on climate protection are usually non-binding and remain lip service. Therefore, positive social systemic change, which is to be promoted by political measures, requires constant drive for change from civil society. We can all make an important contribution to cultural change, and best way to do so is together.
Civil society is dependent on cooperation and support from foundations and businesses in its role as a social stakeholder. Whether it is individual energy-saving advice for private individuals and companies, raising awareness among children, teenagers and adults or political lobbying, the range of projects in climate protection is broad.