
Corporate Citizenship Working Group

What do com­pa­nies achieve that are involved in social engage­ment? Which meth­ods are suit­able for the cre­ative devel­op­ment and long-term plan­ning of engage­ment pro­grams? And how can their impact be fur­ther enhanced?

These and oth­er ques­tions are being dis­cussed by the Cor­po­rate Cit­i­zen­ship Work­ing Group, which is led by PHI­NEO and unites ded­i­cat­ed large com­pa­nies want­i­ng to strate­gi­cal­ly posi­tion their cor­po­rate engagement.

PHI­NEO high­lights rel­e­vant top­ics and devel­op­ments. It also out­lines proven approach­es, meth­ods and prac­ti­cal exam­ples of Cor­po­rate Cit­i­zen­ship and impact ori­en­ta­tion in the non­prof­it sector.

Project part­ners: sev­er­al large com­pa­nies & cor­po­ra­tions | Dura­tion: since 2013, annu­al new edition

In addi­tion to the learn­ing and work­ing process with­in the group, there is an exchange with non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions and a selec­tion of experts.

The mem­bers of the work­ing group col­lec­tive­ly address four main topics:

  • the rel­e­vance of the cor­po­rate pur­pose for a com­pa­ny’s citizenship 
  • stan­dards and best prac­tices in cor­po­rate cit­i­zen­ship reporting 
  • cor­po­rate giving

The fol­low­ing com­pa­nies are engaged in the work­ing group:

  • Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG
  • Con­ti­nen­tal AG
  • Deutsche Bank AG
  • Deutsche Lufthansa AG
  • ERGO Direkt AG
  • Henkel AG & Co.KGaA
  • KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
  • Media­Mark­t­Sat­urn Retail Group GmbH
  • Mer­cedes-Benz Group AG
  • Mer­ck KGaA
  • Münch­en­er Rück­ver­sicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktienge­sellschaft in München
  • Olym­pus Europa SE & Co. KG
  • Rand­stad Deutsch­land GmbH & Co. KG
  • Siemens AG
  • thyssenk­rupp AG
  • Union Invest­ment Real Estate GmbH

All par­tic­i­pants are unit­ed in their desire to increase the pos­i­tive impact of their com­mit­ment. PHI­NEO is hap­py to sup­port them!

In the past we have already addressed these top­ics & meth­ods with the Cor­po­rate Cit­i­zen­ship Work­ing Group:

  • Trans­for­ma­tion to a sus­tain­able soci­ety – Which role do com­pa­nies play?
  • Pur­pose, Engage­ment, Vol­un­teer­ing – What inspires employees?
  • New Tools on the Block – Which inno­v­a­tive meth­ods are there in cor­po­rate citizenship?

We should main­tain the mix of meth­ods: exter­nal guests, con­tri­bu­tions of experts, group work, col­le­gial case con­sul­ta­tion, etc.”

The Exchange with col­leagues is a very impor­tant aspect of the work­ing group.”

Get more information:

Lena Euchenhofer

Consulting & Organizational Development
+49 30 520 065 344