Zukunftsträger Initiative
The Zukunftsträger initiative supports disadvantaged young people in Germany on their path to a career. To this end, it funds and enables local stakeholders who build strong alliances of schools, companies, government agencies and civil society organizations in their regions. These alliances work closely together and coordinate their services to increase young people’s chances of successfully entering apprenticeships and employment.
Why is this program needed?

Over two million young people in Germany between the ages of 20 and 34 have no vocational qualifications. Tens of thousands a year are unable to find an apprenticeship. One reason is a lack of orientation in the cosmos of school-to-work transition. Support services are often isolated and there is too little cooperation between those involved in the transition (schools, companies, administration, civil society). At the same time, the shortage of skilled workers is becoming increasingly acute and apprenticeships remain vacant.

We counteract this development through Collective Impact: an anchor organization coordinates cooperation and collaboration between the players in the cosmos across sector boundaries and keeps them in orbit through regular exchange.

The players bundle and interlink existing offers, make them more visible and jointly develop further support options for and with young people. These could be, for example, career guidance services in collaboration with local companies, coaching, or individual mentoring for disadvantaged students.

PHINEO supports the anchor organizations in setting up and monitoring the regional alliances through agenda setting, knowledge transfer and capacity building.
As soon as the players work together and share their expertise, everyone benefits: the state, the economy and especially the young people themselves. Thanks to suitable individual support and clear structures, they find their way through the cosmos of transition. Empowered and self-determined, they improve their own prospects. The acute shortage of jobs and skilled workers is counteracted.

Student, aged 19
I know what apprenticeship I want to do. I just need support to get there. At the employment agency, for example, I’m always offered something that I’m not really interested in.
Who is implementing the project in the different regions?
So far, the initiative is supporting three civil society organizations that are building and coordinating their networks in regions of Munich, Rhine-Neckar and Leipzig.
HEIZHAUS of Urban Souls e.V. is at the heart of the network in Leipzig. The experienced social work organization has strong roots in youth culture, such as skateboarding, and thus offers young people an attractive, somewhat different approach. Together with its regional network of committed stakeholders, HEIZHAUS focuses on work in the Grünau district. In some districts, almost one in four young people currently leave school without any qualifications. A consistent contact point and specific offers around open youth work are intended to open new prospects for these young people. Click here for the website (in German): Zukunftsträger Leipzig
Zukunftsträger also found an experienced and well-connected anchor organization in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. Here, EDUCATION Y e.V. is building up the regional network with many different stakeholders and, as part of the network, is placing a particular focus on working with teachers at Realschulen plus in Ludwigshafen. The aim of the project is to provide young people with the best possible support in starting their careers with additional services to promote skills, personal development, and training support. Click here for the website (in German): Zukunftsträger Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar
The non-profit STARTSTARK GmbH has created the framework for the Munich network from 2020 – 2023. Together with many different partners, STARTSTARK supports young people in the context of their social environment in finding a suitable and sustainable career path. The focus is on pupils in the 7th — 9th grade, trainees in the 1st and 2nd year of training and so-called hard-to-reach young people up to the age of 25.
Since May 2024, the anchor organization Condrobs e.V. coordinates the Munich network.
Impact Stories
What is currently happening?
In the second funding phase (since 07/2023), further regional networks are being established. To this end, the Zukunftsträger team, with support of an Advisory Group, is analyzing where stakeholders from the economic, social and public sectors can be networked particularly well and under what conditions service structures can be created.
PHINEO supports the establishment of sustainable structures that remain in place even after the end of the funding period. This is why we facilitate an extensive exchange of experience and intensive support for the funded networks. It enables us to learn even more about how local collaboratives work best, how exactly they work and how sponsors can best support them. We would like to make this knowledge freely available and thus promote the Collective Impact approach in Germany. Click here for the free online course “Collective Impact” (currently only in German).
Who supports Zukunftsträger?
The nonprofit analysis and consulting company PHINEO launched the Zukunftsträger Initiative together with J.P. Morgan as part of its “New Skills at Work Initiative”.
Duration: 2019 — 2026
Funded by:

Would you also like to become a “Zukunftsträger”?
As a foundation, company, individual or actor in the public sector, you can also participate as a sponsor. The prerequisite for this is that you would like to contribute a larger sum and/or your expertise for a project duration of three to four years. The more sponsors we have, the more effectively we can support young people in different regions!
Your contact is Katrina Zuchina.