SKala – Moving people together

SKala is an ini­tia­tive of the entre­pre­neur Susanne Klat­ten and PHI­NEO, a think tank and non­prof­it con­sul­tan­cy for effec­tive soci­etal engagement.

The SKala ini­tia­tive sup­ports 95 non­prof­it projects nation­wide with a cur­rent total of 88 mil­lion euros. Fund­ing is only giv­en to those organ­i­sa­tions that can be shown to have a strong social impact.

We at PHI­NEO are respon­si­ble for the devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of the initiative.

SKala sup­ports orga­ni­za­tions that use dif­fer­ent approach­es to work towards a com­mon goal: a soci­ety in which peo­ple stand up for each other.

Project part­ner: Susanne Klat­ten | Dura­tion: since 2016

Which areas are eli­gi­ble for funding?

In coop­er­a­tion with us, Susanne Klat­ten has select­ed four areas eli­gi­ble for fund­ing which are par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant to her and which have a high need for support:

  • Inclu­sion & Participation
  • Engage­mentt & Com­pe­tence development
  • Bridge between the gen­er­a­tions (aims to meet the chal­lenges of demo­graph­ic change and an age­ing society)
  • For­got­ten crises

SKala sup­ports large and small orga­ni­za­tions, both estab­lished and new projects from all over Ger­many. The orga­ni­za­tions must be active in one of the above-men­tioned fund­ing areas, com­ply with the SKala fund­ing cri­te­ria and oper­ate transparently.

At PHI­NEO, we use a field-proven, sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly based method to eval­u­ate the poten­tial impact and per­for­mance of an organization.

Susanne Klatten

"I thank all those who contribute to the success of SKala. First and foremost, the funded organizations that help people through their daily work and improve their living conditions"

How does the SKala ini­tia­tive pro­vide funding?

Finan­cial sup­port is giv­en to orga­ni­za­tions that use their resources to achieve a pos­i­tive impact in society.

The need for fund­ing is deter­mined by SKala in coop­er­a­tion with the organizations.The ini­tia­tive gives sup­por­t­at eye lev­el, accom­pa­nies the orga­ni­za­tions in a spir­it of mutu­al part­ner­ship and keeps the most impor­tant aspectin mind — that the funds are being used to make a dif­fer­ence for society.

What hap­pens with the money?

The SKala ini­tia­tive focus­es on trans­paren­cy and lean structures.

As a sig­na­to­ry of the Trans­par­ente Zivilge­sellschaft ini­tia­tive, we at PHI­NEO have com­mit­ted our­selves to mak­ing key infor­ma­tion on the orga­ni­za­tion avail­able to the pub­lic. This also applies to our work in and for the SKala initiative.

All fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the SKala ini­tia­tive can be found on the web­site www​.skala​-ini​tia​tive​.de.

Get more information:

Nancy Weber dos Santos

+49 30 520 065 365