Lufthansa: Realignment of social commitment

In addi­tion to the inde­pen­dent­ly orga­nized vol­un­teer­ing activ­i­ties of employ­ees world­wide, Lufthansa Deutsch­land and the group’s affil­i­ates are also involved in numer­ous theme fields and projects.

After the spin-off of the non­prof­it GmbH Hel­pAl­liance, the social engage­ment of the Lufthansa Group was to be realigned and fur­ther devel­oped under a joint strategy.

Key tar­gets were:

  • a bet­ter align­ment of the com­mit­ment to Lufthansa’s strat­e­gy and core business,
  • a stronger sense of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the affil­i­ates with the joint ini­tia­tive and
  • the estab­lish­ment of the new Hel­pAl­liance gGmbH as a bea­con of high vis­i­bil­i­ty among inter­nal and exter­nal stakeholders.

In a process that involved the affil­i­ates and employ­ees, PHI­NEO sup­port­ed Lufthansa with inter­views, analy­ses, bench­marks and sev­er­al strat­e­gy workshops.

Project part­ner: Lufthansa Germany

In a joint effort, the exist­ing port­fo­lio was ana­lyzed and then nar­rowed down, cri­te­ria for future projects were defined, an engage­ment frame­work for all busi­ness units was estab­lished and thus the basis for Skilled Vol­un­teer­ing projects was created.

PHI­NEO assist­ed the Hel­pAl­liance team in the imple­men­ta­tion of the find­ings with­in the Group, but also addressed the devel­op­ment and adjust­ment of exist­ing fund­ing arrange­ments with part­ner orga­ni­za­tions through sev­er­al feed­back and coach­ing ses­sions in small groups.

The new Engage­ment Port­fo­lio is con­sis­tent with the group strat­e­gy and core busi­ness. The port­fo­lio is clear­ly pre­sentable in com­mu­ni­ca­tions and links the employ­ees of the indi­vid­ual affil­i­ates through joint initiatives.

In terms of con­tent, the empha­sis of the projects was refo­cused on the most rel­e­vant glob­al soci­etal needs.

What can we do for you?

Juliane Hagedorn

Member of the Management
+49 30 520 065 315